Hi there, I'm Miles!

Welcome to a small corner of the internet which I claimed for my own.

Secret text is the best to find.

A short while ago in a town not so far away...

   There were a series of improbable and unfortunate events. For instance, In a strange twist of chance I was nearly born in a Toledo Ohio Wendy's in 1995. However, my stay in Ohio ended at the turn of the century. Interestingly enough I found myself in the pleasantly small towns of Maine. Where in I have lived more or less happily ever since. 

   During my time here I have acquired  a myriad of skills, hobbies, and jobs. In any given week I will bounce between them and enjoy each to the fullest. I would like to believe that by sharing information, thoughts, and images I can express myself and my time adequately with the world.

  Anything here that I did not personally craft will be hyperlinked to the official owner's of the artwork, game, or otherwise delightful individuals responsible for the content. I encourage you to endorse and support them.